LibrarySearch is a good place to start searching broadly, then focus the results retrieved by using the search filters.
To find books and book chapters on leadership, including leadership in literature, try combining the following subject term searches (this draws from an established subject description terminology assigned to books in academic libraries, the LCSH) with additional keywords that reflect the key concepts of your topic:
In the library session on Sept 14th, I demonstrated the following search for articles via LibrarySearch.
Please try the techniques (* to replace an absence of letters or any number of letters to catch all ending variations of a word) and capital OR to combine search terms of equal interest.
Remember you can't be quite as specific as to how you search in LirbarySearch, so if you're not really finding what you're hoping for or to find additional sholarly articles, use the subject-specific databases to search for articles (under the "Finding Scholarly Articles" page in the left sode menu.)