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First Year Chemistry at UTSC

A research guide to assist students in the CHMA10, CHMA11, and CHMA12 courses.

View a Record

Once you find an article that looks interesting, select the article title link to view the complete record. There is a lot of information on this page including:

  • a link to the full text (if available) 
  • link to the author's other publications (click on the author name)
  • full citation information
  • abstract
  • keywords (these could be used to refine the search)
  • the number of times this article has been cited by other articles (another way to find some other potentially relevant papers)
  • the number of references contained in this article 
  • a link to related articles based on common references (a great way to find other potentially relevant papers)

If after browsing through the record, you think the article appears to be relevant to your topic, download the full text of the article for further reading.

Web of Science Record


Get the Full Text Article

Articles may be available in one of three ways:

  1. Check for a "Get it! UTL" button to see if we have the full-text online. If we don't have an online copy, we probably have it in print - The Get it! button will lead you to the online version or to print information.
  2. Check for a "Full text at publisher" button **** Recommended for Chemistry articles since supplementary material that accompanies the article may only be available from this source.
  3. Check for a "Full Text Links" button to see if it's available from another source (such as Google Scholar).

If you have any problems, please write down the citations of any articles you want and contact your liaison librarian or the UTSC Library staff.