Your instructor would like you to use Chicago Author-Date (17th edition) for your citation needs for this course. Chicago Author-Date is a parenthetical citation style similar to APA (which most of you have probably used). On the face of it, the in-text part of the citation looks the same for both styles, but note that Chicago Author-Date prefers that you use a page number or page numbers for your citation, in addition to the last name of the author(s) along with the year of publication:
If you have never used Chicago Author-Date or need a refresher, please see these resources:
For full rules see chapter 15 from the complete online guide: Complete rules for Chicago Author-Date
Fairfield University has created an excellent table of examples: Fairfield examples of Chicago Author-Date
UTM Library has made this quick guide of examples: UTM Quick Guide for Chicago Author-Date
In your future work as Anthropologists you most likely will use citation styles that you are not familiar with. For instance, many journals and professional associations will require that you use their in-house citation styles. These can usually be found on their website under a section with a name like "Author Guidelines," "Style Guide" or something of that sort. Here are a few examples:
Journal of Human Evolution 'Guide for Authors'
Society for Historical Archaeology 'Style Guide & Submission Guidelines'
American Anthropological Association 'Publishing Style Guide'