Here is a list of Journals that you will find helpful for material on Muslim Mental Health and Islamic Psychotherapy. They are all online, available through the UofT Library Catalogue.
You can search within a specific online journal – either by 1) Searching for topics across all available issues, or 2) By browsing through years, volumes, issues. Here's how.
Academic Journal of Islamic Studies
American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
American Journal of Islamic Studies
The American Journal of Psychotherapy
American Journal of Public Health
Archives of Psychiatric Nursing
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
Community Mental Health Journal
Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life
Contemporary School Psychology
Dirosat: Journal of Islamic Studies
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal
International Journal for the Psychology of Religion
International Journal of Practical Theology
International Journal of Psychology
International Journal of Social Psychiatry
Journal of Affective Disorders
Journal of Clinical Psychology
Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies
Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy
Journal of Counseling and Development
Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy
Journal of International Migration and Integration
Journal of Islamic & Religious Studies
Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development
Journal of Muslim Mental Health
Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling
Journal of Religion and Health
Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work
Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging
Journal of Religion, Disability & Health
Journal of Shi'ite Islamic Studies
Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health
Journal of Studies in Islam and Psychology
Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of North America
Mental Health, Religion & Culture
Mizanu'l-Haqq: Journal of Islamic Studies
Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
Religious Studies and Theology
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Spirituality in Clinical Practice
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