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Research Guides

SOC196H Global Cities, Urban Refugees: Connecting South and North

This guide is intended for students in Professor James Johnson's SOC196 Global Cities, Urban Refugees: Connecting South and North in the Fall 2021 term.

Making Scholarly Choices

Scholarly Sources

Scholarly sources report on original research by experts in a particular academic discipline. Often they go through a peer-review process, which means that they are evaluated by reputable scholars in the field before they are published.

Scholarly & Popular Sources

Criteria for Evaluating Scholarly Journal Articles

Part Questions to Ask
Author: Who wrote it? Are they an scholar, journalist, or a writer?
Does the author have credentials that qualify him or her to write knowledgeably on the topic?
Sources: Does the author acknowledge his or her sources? How?
Content: Is the content substantial?
Does it appear to be valid and well-researched?
Does it make sense, based on your own background knowledge, or what other articles have to say on the topic?
Writing: Is the language scholarly?
Is the article well written?
Do the illustrations support the content in a scholarly fashion, or do they appear to be attention-getting, or sensational?
Audience: Who is the article written for?
Is it written for experts and researchers in the field, or for members of the general public?
Journal: Is it published in a scholarly journal or a popular magazine?
Publisher: Is it published by a university press or a large commercial publisher (such as Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan) that specializes in producing scholarly books? 

Is the Journal Scholarly?

Is the article published in a scholarly journal? How would you find out?

Investigate a particular periodical using these three strategies:

1). Search the journal name in LibrarySearch to determine if it is scholarly or peer-reviewed.
The item record for a particular journal indicates whether the publication is peer-reviewed: 
journal item record in LibrarySearch











2). Search the journal name in Ulrichsweb to determine if it is scholarly or peer-reviewed.
The black and white referee’s shirt indicates that the journal is peer-reviewed.

3). Visit the journal’s website to learn more about the periodical.
Is it published by a scholarly association such as the Cervantes Society of America?
Is it published by a university press?
On the journal’s website, look for the “about this journal” or “submission guidelines” section to learn about the publication’s editorial policy.

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