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ENV205H5: Sustainable Tourism (Winter 2021)

Assignment Overview and Goals (from the Policy Brief Assignment Guidelines)

In this class you are required to research and write a policy-style recommendation brief which focuses on either:

  • a destination of your choice or
  • a component of the tourism sector which we have discussed in class.

The goal of the assignment is to get you to apply the course concepts in a real-world situation. Your assignment will answer the following question:

“In what ways can this location/component of the industry become more sustainable?”


Assignment Details (from the Policy Brief Assignment Guidelines)

  • You are to complete this assignment assuming you are providing information to a decision making in the location or part of the sector you have chosen as your focus.
  • The focus of the assignment is on providing recommendations on how to make your chosen focus area more sustainable. To do so, you will need to include the following sections:
    • background on your focus area (and why it is an important and relevant choice)
    • consider internal and external factors impacting your focus area
    • identify and evaluate a variety of options for how to improve sustainability
    • recommend a path forward.

How to write a Policy Brief: Resources

A policy brief:

  • is a short informative summary written about a issue.
  • is written for decision-makers who influence and guide public policy
  • must include a set of options that address the issue, including a recommended best option for achieving a particular outcome. 

The resources linked below can help you construct your policy-style recommendation brief:


Find Policy Papers/Briefs

Other Resources for Finding Policy Documents