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VPHB64 - Baroque Visions

A guide that will help you find all of the research resources to complete all related assignments for Baroque Visions

Encyclopedia - FAQ

Why use encyclopedias?  

To find:

  • definitions of terms, keywords
  • background information
  • ideas to start your search

Why avoid encyclopedias?  

Encyclopedias are only meant to give you basic background information to help you understand your topic.

Why use GLAM websites? 

To find:

  • Information on artists and exhibits within their collections
  • links/citations to additional sources about the artist
  • often have digital collections

How are library encyclopedias different from Wikipedia? 

Online and print encyclopedias from the Library have been checked for accuracy and quality.  Wikipedia hasn't.  

Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Bibliographies for Art History

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