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ERS401H5: Earth Resources

Background Information

Mendeley Logo

Mendeley is a citation management tool provided by Elsevier.  There are free and for fee versions of Mendeley.  

First, get started with a free web account that offers limited features. If you do get a desktop, the web and desktop will synchronize.

The download options are described online. Be sure to select the Mendeley version that is right for your operating system:

Mendeley download options


Here are just a few guides from Mendeley and other academic libraries. They can help you get started:

Citing References in Word

Web Importer

Install Web Importer in your browser to capture citation information from PubMed, Scopus and other resources into your Mendeley web account. 

  1. In Mendeley Desktop, cick on Tools then Install Web Importer.
  2. Select your browers - Firefox, IE, Safari, etc. and then follow the online instructions.