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Research Guides

HIS385H1: History of Hong Kong

Current Hong Kong Newspapers

Historical Hong Kong Newspapers

The microfilm collection of Hong Kong Newspaper Clippings, dated from 1980’s to 1999, covering fifteen Hong Kong Chinese and English newspapers (see the list below), were compiled and fully indexed by Hong Kong Catholic Social Communications Office. 

  1. South China Morning Post 南華早報
  2. Ming Pao 明報
  3. Wen Wei Po 文匯報
  4. The Standard 英文虎報
  5. Wah Kiu Yat Po 華僑日報
  6. Hong Kong Economic Journal 信報財經新聞
  7. Ta Kung Pao 大公報
  8. 快報
  9. Hong Kong Economic Times 香港經濟日報
  10. Hong Kong Daily News 新報
  11. Xing Tao Daily 星島日報

The following indexes (1980 - June, 1999) are available at the library.

Other Historical Newspapers

Find Historical Newspapers at UTL

Find Historical Newspapers by Searching Google Newspaper Archive

Google allows you to search scanned newspapers over the past century or so.

1. Simple search: search terms

For example, put "Hong Kong fall Japan" into the search box (no quotation marks) will get a list of newspaper articles reporting the fall of Hong Kong during the War World II.

2. Google News Archive Advanced search:

Advanced news search includes four fields to enter queries. You can search for articles:

  • Containing all of the words you enter.
  • Containing the exact phrase you enter.
  • Containing at least one of the words you enter.
  • Not containing a word you enter.
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