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NROC69: Synaptic Organization and Physiology of the Brain

How to Find Full Text

  1. The Get it! button: You may see this button next to the citation information of an article when you're searching within databases. Clicking this button will search the entire University of Toronto Libraries' collection and will either a) bring you directly to the full text or b) provide a link to the full article.Get it! UTL button

    If you notice a problem with the link or it appears that the article isn't available, try some of the workarounds listed below.

  2. Article search: On the UTSC Library homepage, click the red "Articles" link on the right. Next, copy/paste the title of your article into the search box and press enter. Check the list of results to see if your article appears.

    *TIP* Try putting "quotation marks" around the title of your article to weed out irrelevant results.

    Article search link on the library homepage

  3. Journal search: If your article did not appear in the search results, or if it did appear but you still weren't able to access the full text, your next step is to see if U of T is subscribed to the journal that the article is published in.

    On the UTSC Library homepage, click the red "Catalogue" link towards the right side of the page. Next, copy/paste the title of the JOURNAL your article was published in, select "Journal Title" from the drop down box, and hit search.

    Catalogue link on the library homepage

    If the journal is available at U of T, check to see the coverage of the subscription. Different vendors provide coverage for different years, so try to find a link that provides the most comprehensive coverage or includes the year your article was published in.

    *TIP* You can limit to online resources using the "Refine your search" panel on the left if you only want the electronic version of the journal.

    Sample search result in the Library catalogue

    The link will direct you to the journal's homepage. From here, find the archive of past publications and track down your article using the year, volume, issue, and page numbers.

How to Request Full Text

If none of the above steps work, you can try the following:

  1. Contact your librarian or stop by the Information and Reference Desk in the library to see if they can help track down the article.
  2. Submit an interlibrary loan request for the article; to do this, you will need to create a free account on RACER. Once logged in, select "blank request form" from the left menu and enter in your article details.