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Research Guides

LAS300: Challenges and change in contemporary Latin American politics

Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)

IGOs are organizations of member states that have signed a treaty or charter. They have a geographic or subject focus.

IGOs produce official documents, publications & statistics.

  • Documents record the operations of the IGO
  • Publications gather & disseminate information related to the IGO's focus
  • Statistical databases provide demographic & socio-economic data about the IGO & its member states

Search IGOs

 Use this Google custom search:


Since the mid-1990s, many governments and international governmental organizations (IGOs) have made their publications available on the internet. Use the custom Google search above as a place to start.

United Nations

NGOs search engines

Custom NGO search engine (Stanford)

  • Custom search engine that streamlines results by pulling information from only NGO website
  • NGO sites chosen based on consultative status with the UN's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), University of Minnesota Human Rights Library, Duke University's NGO research guide, and the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (WANGO)