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Biology Integrative Research Poster Project

Citation Examples


When developing your poster, you will need to include captions for any visual elements. It’s very important that you properly attribute ideas or data from other authors by including a citation to the source of the information, as well as indicating if any adaptations were made. Captions are typically labeled as follows:

Figure/Table number. Title. Description. Source (if data was referenced from another publication).

RGS14 levels in monkey brain slices

Figure 1. RGS14 labeling in monkey brain is specific. a–d RGS14 immunoreactivity was ablated in all regions of the monkey brain after incubation with RGS14 antibody pre-adsorbed with purified recombinant RGS14 protein (a versus b; c versus d). Adapted from Squires et al. (2018).


In-Text Citations:

You need to cite any ideas or data that are not your own, whether they be direct quotes, summaries, or paraphrases. All citations should include the name and publication year of the information being cited:

(Squires et al. 2018)

If the name is already mentioned directly in the text, you can exclude it from the citation and just use the year:

"Squires et al. (2018) found that..."



For every in-text citation, you should have a corresponding reference at the end of your paper. Journal articles use the following format:

Squires KE, Gerber KJ, Pare JF, Branch MR, Smith Y, Hepler JR. 2018. Regulator of G protein signaling 14 (RGS14) is expressed pre- and postsynaptically in neurons of hippocampus, basal ganglia, and amygdala of monkey and human brain. Brain Struct Funct. 223:233-253.

For additional in-text citations/reference examples, including books and websites, check out the "CBE and CSE Citation" handout from the UTSC Writing Centre below.

Citation Resources