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ENGA02 - Library Research Guide

Use this guide to find sources for your course assignment

Article Databases

These article databases are recommended for Literature.    They can also be found on the Library website under Subjects A to Z


Tips for ENGA02 Students

  1. While MLA International bibliography is considered the main database for literature research, past ENGA02 student have found Literature Resource Center particularly useful.  Have a canadian author?   Try Canadian Literary Centre
  2. No database has everything.    Try multiple databases to conduct a through search.
  3. Research each novel separately.    Find sources on each of your novels, and then it's your job to compare them in your essay.   
  4. Check the references of the article to look  for more relevant sources on your topic.    Depending on what database you're searching, you might also look for cited by and related articles links.

Search Tips

You can use boolean operators (AND, OR), truncation* (also called wildcard) and quotation marks " " to search for articles on your topic.  Example search:  I want to research the author Amy Tan's portrayl of mother-daughter relationships amongst immigrant women

1.  AND:   Write AND between different ideas to narrow your search. Example:   amy tan AND mother-daughter relationships

2.  OR:  Write OR between synonyms to expand your search.  Example:  immigrant OR refugee

3.  Truncation * (also called wildcard):  Use truncation * to expand your search. Example:  immigra* will find immigrant or immigrants or immigration

4.   Quotation Marks " ":   Use quotation marks to search an exact phrase, like an author's name. Example:   "Amy Tan"

Focus Your Search With Limiters

Find limiters on the left side of your search results.   

Consider SOURCE TYPE, SUBJECT, AUTHOR AS TOPIC, to focus your search on articles relevant to your topic.


limiters appear on the left side of your search results.  use them to focus your results.

Full text of articles

To download full text, look for buttons that say full-text, PDF, or GET IT!.   You should be able to download full-text copies of your articles.   If you have any trouble, ask a librarian for help.

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