ProQuest is a platform containing 116 databases. ProQuest contains publications (i.e., newspaper, magazines, journals and book titles) in different subjects areas including business, sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. It also holds a key collection of Dissertations and Theses.
Enter search terms on separate lines e.g., enter title of film on the top line, director's last name below, so as to articulate your search request. Use Boolean Operators to improve your seach:
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If you find interesting articles, be sure to .
Another option is to create a free ProQuest MyResearch account.
Set up Google Scholar to recognize that you are a UofT Student:
ProQuest is a platform containing over 100 databases. ProQuest contains publications (i.e., newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, eBook titles, dissertation and theses) in different subjects areas including film. Remember you might find content in a non-film related resource from your time period, (i.e., newspapers, business or tech magazines).
If you find interesting articles, be sure to .
Another option is to create a free ProQuest MyResearch account.
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