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Global Asia Studies Resources @ UTSC

A guide to assist UTSC students in Global Asia Studies to find and use library resources needed to successfully complete their assignments.

Global Asia Studies Course Guides

Key resources

Find Articles

Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS) A major database for Asian Studies, the Bibliography of Asian Studies is an important record of research and scholarly literature on Asia written in Western languages. It covers countries and civilizations of East, Southeast and South Asia, and overseas Asian communities in North America, Europe and elsewhere in the world. It is produced by the Association for Asian Studies.

China Academic Journals The database is the largest and continuously updated Chinese journal database in the world, focuses on academy, technology, policy guidance, popular science and education journals and covers science, engineering technology, agriculture, philosophy, medicine, humanities and social sciences, etc.

Index Islamicus Records included in the database cover almost a hundred years of publications on the world of Islam

Historical Abstracts for researching WORLD history

Find Books

Find books by searching in the Library Search and limiting the format to Books by using the drop-down menu.

Image of Library Search with format drop-down menu options showing and Books option highlighted.

Find Newspapers

South Asian Historical Newspapers

South Asia Media Net

Proquest International Newsstream

Global Newsstream

More UofT Library Resources

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Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library resources for Asian Studies

Specialized resources

UTSC Writing Support

UTSC Writing Support helps students learn to become better writers through a variety of services:

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Assignment Planner

Academic Advising & Career Centre

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