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IDSA01: Introduction to International Development Studies

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Library Research Skills Modules

Library Research Skills Modules

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Please complete the following version of the modules if you'd like to receive CCR credit.

This series of six modules will introduce students to foundational library skills that will help in many university research assignments. Each module is a stand-alone resource. They can be completed in any order, all at the same time, or individually as needed. Topics include:

  • Module 1: Introduction to U of T Libraries - Learn the basics about the libraries
  • Module 2: Start Your Research - Learn how to get started with your library research project
  • Module 3: Select Your Sources - Learn how to find the best sources for your assignment
  • Module 4: Search Tools - Learn how to find the best search tools for your assignment
  • Module 5: Search Effectively - Learn how to search effectively 
  • Module 6: Evaluate Your Sources - Learn how to evaluate sources properly

Time commitment: 30 minutes per module