A scholarly journal publishes original research articles and commentary on current developments in a specific discipline or field of study (1). Scholarly journal articles are usually written by the persons who carried out the research and include a bibliography or list of works cited at the end. An abstract summarizes the content of the article.
A scholalry journal has issues or numbers published every month or at other intervals. Each year typically corresponds to a volume.
Most scholarly journals are peer-reviewed: critically examined by experts in the field before publication (2). You can use the Ulrich's Periodical Directory (see the box below) to learn more about journals you find.
Here is an example of a scholarly journal article record from a journal article database called ProQuest (see box on opposite page):
You can get all of the information you need to cite this article from this database entry. Be sure to read the abstract before you decide whether the article may be useful or not.
1. Joan M. Reitz, "Journal," in Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science, (ABC - Clio, 2013), accessed November 4, 2013, http://www.abc-clio.com/ODLIS/odlis_jk.aspx#journal .
2. Joan M. Reitz, "Peer review" in Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science, (ABC - Clio, 2013), accessed November 4, 2013, http://www.abc-clio.com/ODLIS/odlis_p.aspx#peerreviewed
Here are some journals recommended by Prof. Hillewaert: