The University of Toronto has an extensive collection of sociology books, reports, videos and other resources in its libraries' collections.
Search for your topic in the LibrarySearch, or try one of the following sociology subject headings to get you started:
Learn more about the LibrarySearch platform.
Your initial set of results will be automatically sorted by "relevance". LibrarySearch relevance ranking is determined by:
You may want to change this default setting to sort in other ways. Alternative sort options include Date-newest, Date-oldest, Title, or Author. Each of these options are available through the Sort By dropdown menu highlighted in the following image.
Choose any filter option from the left side menu to narrow your search results.
Once you have selected one or more filters, you must click the Apply Filters button highlighted in the following image before the list will be updated with your search preferences. You may need to scroll down to the bottom of the filter section to locate the Apply Filters button.
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