The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, 1824-1900.- This link opens in a new window
Edited by Walter E. Houghton.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966-1989.
Browse the tables of contents for issues from 43 major nineteenth-century British monthlies and quarterlies in the first four volumes in this series. Organized by periodicals (such as The Cornhill Magazine, The Edinburgh Review and Bentley's Miscelllany), the Wellesley Index provides historical information about the periodical at the beginning of each listing, as well as article titles, authors, years, and volume and page numbers in each issue's table of contents. Each volume includes indexes for the authors, pseudonyms and initials, abbreviations, and short titles referred to in that volume. By contrast, the fifth volume consists of the same indexes for the whole set (volumes I-IV). One marvelous thing about this resource is it gives you a snappy, but telling, idea of what 19th Century writers and readers were thinking and arguing about.