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Environmental Law

Topical Law Reports

Topical law reports are report series that contain cases dealing with a specific area of law. For Canadian cases on environmental law, try:

Case Law Digests

Canadian Abridgment

Dig. Can. A2 A26 LAW  (also available on WestlawNext Canada)

The Canadian Abridgment digests the case law of the common law provinces from 1809 to the present. Environmental law is covered in the following volume:

  • Vol. 31: Environmental Law

Canada Digest

Available on LexisNexis/Quicklaw

Environmental law is covered in the following sections:

  • Canada Environmental Law Digest
  • Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal Decisions

Legal Encyclopedias

Legal encyclopedias are a good place to begin your research. They will provide you with a broad overview of a topic before you delve into the subtleties.

Canadian Encyclopedic Digest

Dig. Can. A2 C42 LAW v. 1-34  (also available on WestlawNext Canada)

The following volume covers environmental law:

  • Environmental Law

Halsbury's Laws of Canada

Dig. Can. A2 C46 LAW  (also available on LexisNexis/Quicklaw)

The volumes are arranged alphabetically by subject, with volume abbreviations indexed in letter rather than number format. The following volume covers environmental law:

  • Environment (HEN)


Law journals contain articles, book reviews, case comments and other essays on a particular topic.

  • The McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy
    K13 .A2338 LAW PER  Previous Volumes in Storage - Current Issues at Bora Laskin
  • Intervenor: The Newsletter of the Canadian Environmental Law Association
    K9 .N84976 LAW PER (from volume 11 to Volume 27 )  In Storage 
  • Journal of Environmental Law and Practice
    K10 .O86873 LAW PER  Previous Volumes in Storage - Current Issues at Bora Laskin
    (content from 1997 to present also available as database JELP-CAN on WestlawNext Canada)