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Gerstein Science Information Centre

CSB196: Genes, Genomes and Us

This guide will assist CSB196 students when starting to look for and gather research for papers and assignments.

Searching for Articles

To find articles: from the U of T library homepage, you can search using either the advanced search option or through subject specific databases.

The advanced article search allows you to use keywords. By narrowing down your search results using the facets on the left hand side, you can find relevant articles. Also, if you know the specific details of the article you are looking for, such as volume, issue and/or title, this is where you can search for it.

Advanced search with facets

It is likely that you will receive an overwhelming amount of results, but by selecting the appropriate search filters, format and subject options, you can narrow down your results.

To find the most useful databases for your subject, click on "Databases" from the UTL library homepage, then select "Article databases by subjects A-Z", and then choose a subject from the list. For example, if we select "Biology" from this list, we see key biology and multidisciplinary databases such as BIOSIS, Scopus, and Web of Science. This can also lead you to other resources such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Resource Guide.

Scholarly Article Resources

How to find an article from a citation

Finding an Article from a Citation

You can enter citation information into the LibrarySearch to check if we have online access to the full-text of a specific article. You can also use LibrarySearch to create a permanent link to an article.

In order to get your hands on the full text of articles, it helps to have a complete citation of the article.  This consists of: 

  • Name(s) of the author(s)
  • Title of the article
  • Title of the journal
  • Volume and issue number
  • Date
  • Pages

Ellstrand, Norman C. and Mikeal L. Roose (1987), Patterns of Genotypic Diversity in Clonal Plant Species. American Journal of Botany, 74 (1): 123–131.