Please note: These items are all available at the E.J. Pratt Library.
PN1993.45 .B33 2009 Ref
Beaver, Frank Eugene. Dictionary of film terms: The Aesthetic Companion to Film Art. 4th ed.
Definitions of techniques, concepts, genres, styles, cinematography, composition and lighting.
PN 1993.45 .C37 1997 Ref
Law, Jonathan, et al. Cassell Companion to Cinema. Revised and updated Edition. Other Title: Brewer's Cinema.
All aspects of cinema life, language, legend and the stages of making a film, (preproduction to editing). Explains roles of key personnel and their equipment. Provides a glossary from technical and critical, to slang and jargon.
PN 1993.45 .C75 2001 Ref
Roberta E. Pearson and Philip Simpson. Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory. (Digital version at UofT Online )
New terminology in the areas of media and cultural studies that covers post-1960 film and television theory.
PN1993.45 .E53 2005 Ref
Abel, Richard, ed. Encyclopedia of Early Cinema.
'Early cinema' refers to the first 25 years of cinema's emergence at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.
PN 1993.45 .J23 2003 Ref
Jackson, Kevin. The Language of Cinema.
Technology, business and skills of filmmaking, plus terms in foreign languages.
PN 1993.45 .K34 2005 Ref
Katz, Ephraim. The Film Encyclopedia. 5th ed.
Movements, theories, major films, directors, and actors. The entries about genres, significant persons and film history.
PN 1993.45 .G65 2007 (4 volumes) Ref
Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film. Grant, Barry Keith, Ed. (See also electronic version under Electronic Reference Sources (some at UofT Online ) for Cinema on p.2 of this guide.) All aspects of the film industry from late 19th century to now.
PN 1993.45 .H36 2006 Stacks
Hayward, Susan. Cinema Studies: the Key Concepts.
PN1993.5 .G5 E53 2014 Ref
Macfarlane, Brian. The Encyclopedia of British Film. 4th ed.
PN1993.5 .A1 T45 2010 Stacks
Film History: An Introduction. Kristin Thompson and David Bordwell, eds.
PN1994.5 .P49 2005 Ref
Phillips, William H. Film: An Introduction.
Attempts to help readers to understand the film medium’s general characteristics, achievements and limitations.
PN 1993.45 .S56 2000 Ref
Singleton Ralph S. and James A. Conrad. Filmmaker's Dictionary.
Quick reference guide to current terminology used in filmmaking.
PN 1993.5 .A1 O96 1996 Ref
Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey. The Oxford History of World Cinema.
“The Silent Era, 1895-1930", "The Coming of Sound, 1930-1960" and "The Modern Cinema, 1960-1995". Essays on animation, technical innovations, censorship, film-music and on the documentary.
PN 1993.5 .A1 S555 2002 Ref
Sklar, Robert. World History of Film.
100+ years of international cinema, cinematic trends, documentaries and fiction, describing the main films of each movement.
PN1994 .F54 2009 Stacks
Braudy, Leo and Marshall Cohen, eds. Film Theory and Criticism.
PN1994 .R5735 2011 Ref
Routledge Companion to Film History. William Guynn, Ed.
PN1994 .R574 2009 Stacks
Livingston, Paisley and Carl Plantinga, Eds. The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film.
PN1995 .B525 2012 8th Ed. Stacks
Petrie, Dennis W. The Art of Watching Films.
PN1995 .B617 2010 9th Ed. Stacks
Bordwell, David. Film Art: An Introduction.
Complete coverage of cinematic concepts, with examples from many films. Sections cover: types of filmmaking; types of film; film style (mise-en-scene and cinematography); critical analysis of film; and narrative alternatives to Classical Filmmaking.
PN 1995 .C66 2007 Ref
Corrigan, Timothy. A Short Guide to Writing about Film. 8th ed. (7th ed., 2010, in the stacks)
PN1995 .F46 2000 Stacks
Hill, John and Pamela Church Gibson. Film Studies: Critical Approaches.
PN1995 .G663 2006 Ref
Graves, Mark A. and F. Bruce Engle. Blockbusters: A Reference Guide to Film Genres.
A separate chapter is dedicated to each of 12 commonly acknowledged film genres.
PN 1995.75 .K57 1999 Ref
Klepper Robert K. Silent Films, 1877-1996: A Critical Guide to 646 Movies.
Provides a comprehensive study of 119 years of silent film. Offers brief plot summaries and evaluations.
PN 1995.75 .W53 2009 Ref
Wlaschin, Ken. Silent Mystery and Detective Movies: A Comprehensive Filmography.
PN 1995.9 .S76 M85 2004 Ref
Muir, John Kenneth. The Encyclopedia of Superheroes on Film and Television.
Guide to fifty+ years of superheroes on film including a detailed history, cast, episode and film descriptions, critical commentaries and data on villains, gadgets, comic-book origins and super powers. Each production in its historical context.
PN1995.9 .D6 E53 2005 Ref
Aitken, Ian Ed. Encyclopedia of the Documentary Film.
An international work on the history of the documentary from the Lumière brothers (1885) to Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911.
PN1995.9 .F54 S685 2010 Ref
Spicer, Andrew. Historical Dictionary of Film Noir.
PN1995.9 .F54 M39 2007 Ref
Encyclopedia of Film Noir. Geoff Mayer and Brian McDonnell, Eds.
Provides a scholarly yet accessible, comprehensive account of film noir, both classical and neo-noir.
PN 1995.9 .M56 W45 2005 Ref
Welsch Janice R. and J. Q. Adams. Multicultural Films: A Reference Guide.
Brief synopses and critiques of motion pictures that deal with issues of race/ethnicity in the United States.
PN 1995.9 .S26 B566 2010 Ref
Booker, M. Keith. Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction Cinema.
PN1995.9 .T46 C48 2009 Ref
Cettl, Robert. Terrorism in American Cinema: An Analytical Filmography.
PN 1997.8 .A76 2001 Ref
Armstrong, Richard B. Encyclopedia of Film Themes, Settings and Series.
Motion picture themes, plot elements, settings, character types, and series. Includes movies linked by a recurring theme, setting or characters, in theatres or television through 2000.
PN 1997.8 .I58 1997 Ref 1-4 (volumes) Ref
International Dictionary of Film and Filmmakers.
Films; directors; actors/actresses; writers and production artists. Encyclopedic and bibliographic information. Production information; lists cast and crews; a bibliography on the film; and an essay by a specialist in that area.
PN 1998 .C323 1996 Ref
Case Christopher. The Ultimate Movie Thesaurus.
Contains 8,000+ film titles, 1,600 categories and genres, and a list of Academy Award winners. The book cross-references films by topics, themes, and genres as well as by actor and director.
PN 1998.2 .T49 2010 Ref
Thomson, David. The New Biographical Dictionary of Film. 5th ed.
Provides brief critical assessments of the careers of major actors and directors.
PN1998.3 .C67 W55 2010 Ref
Welsh, James M., et al The Francis Ford Coppola Encyclopedia.
Z5784 .M9 E47 2006 Ref
Film and Television: a Guide to the Reference Literature.
Film Reference Library
Holds the world's most extensive English language collection of Canadian film-related material
American Film Institute Catalog AFI
American films produced in collaboration with the American Film Institute (AFI).
Canadian Film Encyclopedia
Canada's leading historical and modern films/filmmakers
Cinema Studies: the Key Concepts
Companion Encyclopedia of Middle Eastern & North African Film
Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory
Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film
Alphabetically arranged essays cover all aspects of the film industry from the late 19th century to now.
Historical Dictionary of Film Noir
Cinema Genre
Theoretical overview of the topic of genre as practiced in British, American and French film criticism.
Global Neorealism: the Transnational History of a Film Style
A Companion to Crime Fiction
Detective and mystery films history and criticism