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Researrrrch Guides



Web of Science

  • Multidisciplinary science research database, search for journal articles and conference proceedings, track citations


  • General multidisciplinary citation database, search for journal articles and conference proceedings, track citations


  • Focus on physics and engineering, covering various fields such as electronics, computer science, physics, electrical, control, production and mechanical engineering
  • Search for journal articles, conference proceedings, books, and reports 


  • Specific to the geosciences, covering subjects such as general, solid-Earth, seismology, and applied geophysics
  • Search for journal articles, books, maps, conference papers and reports and theses



  • arXiv is an archive and distribution server for preprints and research articles in physics, astronomy, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics 

CERN Document Server

  • Access to articles, preprints, books, proceedings, presentations, reports, and multimedia in particle physics and other related areas


  • Database of particle physics papers maintained at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)

Item not in UofT collection?

If UofT does not have access to an article or book that you need, use RACER to borrow from another university