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PSY100 Introductory Psychology: Getting Started

A quick guide to PsycINFO with an emphasis on Thesaurus use. Ovid and ProQuest interfaces are covered.

Online Reference Sources

Online APA Citation Resources

Cite your sources to show your research work and avoid plagiarism.

See U of T's guide to plagiarism here.

Visit the Writing Centre's APA Style Guide for a brief guide on how to create in-text citations and reference lists.

For a more detailed guide, visit the OWL at Purdue's APA Formatting and Style Guide.

Citation Management Software

All University of Toronto students are entitled to a RefWorks account. RefWorks facilitates the export, management and formatting of citation information.

Set up a new RefWorks account using a login and password of your choosing, but be sure to use your @utoronto e-mail address when prompted on the account creation page. It identifies you as a member of the UofT community. A RefWorks guide describes the features of the software.



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