Need to find the patent(s) associated with a specific drug? Use the sources below to identify patents associated with a particular drug. |
Searching for parents when you only have a number can be sometimes be easy - or surprisingly hard.
The patent number(s) you have in hand will most likely be either:
The US, Canada, EPO, Australia, & Germany (among others) use essentially the same base system:
Other countries use different systems - check the appropriate patent office to learn more.
However, sometimes other numbers can confuse things. These include
In general, a number alone may generate many hits - you may need more information, e.g. country of filing, inventor, assignee and/or technology involved to identify the correct patent.
Can you find the patent with the number US 4,314,081 (A), using any of the three search tools discussed in today's workshop?
Which tool seemed to work the best? What did you learn, if anything, about patent number searching?