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Researrrrch Guides

Black Canadian Studies

Starting points


To find more article databases select Subjects A to Z on the library home page, and choose a discipline such as 'Sexual Diversity Studies,' or consult Popular Databases.


Enter your keywords in the library catalogue search box below. If you want to perform a Boolean search or search across multiple fields, click on Advanced Search.

Canadian Websites

Provincial Websites

Nova Scotia


British Columbia



News and Media

To find out if UTL subscribes to a particular newspaper, look up the title in the library catalogue. For more information on newspapers see: Newspapers: Current and Historical

Current Black Toronto Newspapers and Magazines

Historical Newspaper Databases

Black Toronto Radio & Television

Each of the radio and television stations below have Black, African, or Creole cultural programming of some kind. These may be spoken word programmes focusing on news and current issues, music focused, or both. Names of programmes have been listed in some cases. Please check the stations programming schedule for complete and current information. Some stations broadcast their programming over the Internet. See the station's Web site for details.

Data and Statistics

For additional help with Data and Statistics:

Map and Data Library website

Drop by the Map & Data Library on the 5th floor of Robarts Library

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Citation Help


  • Fall 2022 update: Samantha Zani, TALInt student