This course is designed to develop skills in reading, writing and communicating the ideas and texts of the art world. Artists, writers, curators, critics, historians and philosophers have all presented ideas about ways of understanding and viewing art. This semester, you will be introduced to various approaches to writing about art through critical thinking and analysis while learning about contemporary and historical approaches to communicating about art across a variety of fields. This guide offers supports so that you are able to complete your assignments.
Robert Braithwaite Martineau - Kit's Writing Lesson - 1852, Photo: Tate Gallery, Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported)
Need help getting started on research? Here is a great place to start:
Reflection Paper - StoryMaps
Before you start developing your StoryMap - take the time to think about the following:
Please take a look at the Planning and outlining your story: How to set yourself up for success for some really wonderful tips on story planning so that you are able to create a compelling narrative.
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