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Research Guides

WRR303: Digital Rhetoric

Search Library Catalogue for Books, Journals, and Films

LibrarySearch (Advanced Search)

IMPORTANT - To improve your search experience and gain access to advanced features, always begin by clicking the "SIGN IN" button pictured below (e.g., access eResources, request items).

Sign in button locatedin top right corner

Learn about UofT LibrarySearch interface


Finding Books in LibrarySearch


Finding Journals or Articles in LibrarySearch



Narrow LibrarySearch Results to Online Resources

To narrow your search results to online resources (e.g., eBooks, eJournals, article databases, streamable video / audio):

  1. Enter your search terms
  2. Click on the Search Button (magnifying glass)
  3. On the Search Result page, under Filter your Results on the left side of the screen, locate Show Only heading and click the Online check box (you can also select other filters, including Format - Book, Book Chapters, Articles) 
  4. Click on APPLY FILTERS button at the bottom of screen

screen shot of the Library search page, highlighted items found in the numbered list above this image

Citing a Source

There are currently seven citation styles to choose from when exporting your source details. These include:​

  • APA (7th edition)
  • MLA (8th edition) 
  • Chicago (17th edition notes-bibliography)
  • Chicago (17th edition author-date)
  • Turabian (16th edition notes-bibliography)
  • Vancouver
  • IEEE

To generate a source citation from your list of search results, click the three-dot icon located in the top right of each brief record.  Record indicating location of three dots needed to access citation export option

Clicking the three-dot icon will reveal a number of citation style and management options pictured in the following image. 
Choose the "Citation" option, select your preferred citation style, and copy the citation into your reference list. 

Location of export citation option that appears after clicking on three dots