Cycle 20 of the General Social Survey (GSS) is the fourth cycle to collect detailed information on family life in Canada. The previous GSS cycles that collected family data were Cycles 5, 10 and 15. Topics include demographic characteristics such as age, sex, and marital status; family origin of parents; departure from the parental home; marriages of respondent; common-law unions of respondent; fertility and family intentions; birth and adoption; child custody; financial support agreement or arrangement for children and ex-spouse/partner; social networks; work-family balance and family functioning; work history and maternity and paternity leave. The GSS also gathered data on the respondent's main activity and other socio-demographic characteristics.
APA Citation
Statistics Canada. (2010). 2006 Census of population public use microdata file (individuals file) [Data file and code book]. Retrieved from
Access through Odesi (Scholars Portal)
APA Citation
Statistics Canada. (2006). General social survey (GSS), 2008, cycle 20, Family transitions [Data file and code book]. Retrieved from
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