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Medical Licensing Exams: Guides & Resources

Information and resources for Canadian and International medical students about medical licensing exam requirements in Canada and the United States.


     Welcome to the guide on medical licensing resources and exams.

International Medical Graduates and new medical doctors preparing to obtain a medical license in Canada and/or the United States can study materials online or in print within the Gerstein Library using this guide.

You will find necessary information about examination requirements, website links to organizations regulating the licensing process, a bibliography of print and electronic resources, and essential study materials for the licensing examinations recommended by these organizations.

Please find below short descriptions of the required exams and links to the respective organizations:

  • Medical Exams in Canada:

Medical Council of Canada

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

College of Family Physicians of Canada

The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario

  • Medical Exams in the US



This guide was designed on Libguides and updated by Kaitlin Fuller and Taylor Lemaire, August 2017. Previous research guide on this topic compiled by Paula Clark, April 2008 and updated by Heather Cunningham, May 2009.

Additional information

Health Canada Guidelines for the Preparations of an Action Plan for Medical Licensure in Canada 

An Action Plan for medical licensure in Canada is a schedule of medical examinations and related activities. It sets out the steps applicants will take in order to meet Canadian certification and licensure requirements in a medical specialty or in family medicine in the province or territory where they will practice medicine. 

Applicants must be informed about national certification with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC), the Collège des médecins, and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC), along with the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC).  The applicant must be fully informed about standard medical licensure in Canada.

  • or CFPC certification is a standard requirement for full licensure in Canada.RCPSC
  • The LMCC is a standard requirement for full licensure in Canada.

See an example Action Plan for Licensure and Certification.

See Health Force Ontario for information about job opportunities and LOCUS.


Statements of Need for Postgraduate Medical Training in the United States (2017/2018)

"Statements of Need are issued by Health Canada, in collaboration with provincial and territorial ministries of health, to medical graduates to assist them to obtain a J-1 Visa to enter the US to pursue postgraduate medical training.

A Statement of Need is one of a number of requirements of the Exchange Visitor Sponsorship Program (EVSP), Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), that must be met before a J-1 Visa can be issued." (Gov. of Canada, 2017)

See the Gov of Canada Health Human Resources for more information  (you will be redirected)


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