At U of T, you can access many databases that are considered the gold standard for comprehensive searching.
A few key databases that use the Ovid interface are:
MEDLINE (1946-): Medicine, North American emphasis
PsycINFO (1806-): International coverage of behavioural and social sciences, including psychology/psychiatry
Embase (1947-): International literature; Drugs, devices, alternative medicine, prevention, public health
Another useful database that uses the EBSCOhost interface is:
CINAHL (1981 – ): Rehab, nursing and allied health
There are multiple databases available through OVID. It is recommended that you select the database option that covers the broadest date range, e.g. 1946 onwards in MEDLINE, and add dates as limits later in the search.
Note: If you choose to search in multiple databases at the same time, you cannot do subject heading searching.
There are pros and cons to each database so which one you use depends on what you are looking for.
PubMed |