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GGRB30H3: Fundamentals of GIS I - Resource Guide

This guide will help students in GGRB30 with finding, identifying, accessing, and downloading census data in CHASS so to complete the Chloropleth and Proportional Symbol Mapping Assignment.

Learning Outcomes

  1. You will locate various library services and resources from the library website to gain further knowledge on what you have access to to help your learning journey.
  2. You will describe a variable to explore the data it contains and the characteristics so to help inform your decision in what variables to consider for your map.
  3. You will become familiar with CHASS and how to download data for your assignment.

Assignment #4: Choropleth and Proportional Symbol Mapping

The resources below were featured in the library instruction session in your November 5th class. They will help you find the information and data needed for your assignment on Choropleth and Proportional Symbol Mapping.

This guide will help you to:

  • Access Statistics Canada reference resources that will help you understand geographies and socio-demographic data associated with the census
  • Identify and download socio-demographic data using CHASS Census Analyzer
  • Access resources to find and download geospatial data

Data Reference Materials

The reference resources created by Statistics Canada provide you with the descriptions and definitions to understand the geographies or socio-demographic variables used with the census.

Get Socio-Demographic Data

You will need the CHASS Census Analyzer to download socio-economic data to create your table.

Get Geospatial Data

The links below will allow you to find and download geospatial data which includes boundary files, road network files, water files and much more. You will not need the resources below to complete assignment 4 as geospatial data has been provided. They will be useful for locating data for future projects.

Data Skills & Data Cleaning Tutorials

UTSC Undergraduate Research & Creative Forum

The UTSC Library and the Office of the Vice-Principal Research and Innovation are proud sponsors of the Undergraduate Research and Creative Forum(URCF). The URCF gives talented UTSC students an opportunity to gain experience disseminating research, scholarship, and creative activities to an academic community and develop their presentation skills. The Forum also gives students a platform to share their experiences so that other UTSC students can learn more about the accomplishments and research or creative interests of their peers.

Eligibility | Criteria | How to apply | The Forum | Recognition | Important Dates | More Information

Upcoming deadlines:

  • Proposal submission deadline: February 25, 2025 at 12:00pm EST - noon (firm deadline)* 

Have questions? Need additional information?

Contact your liaison librarian, review our Frequently Asked Questions or join us for one of two drop-in information sessions January 9 (10am-11am) or January 14 (2pm-3pm), 2025.

If you require an accommodation, please advise Nina Adamo or the AccessAbility Services Office before the submission deadline.

* Note that works do not need to be completed by the Undergraduate Research and Creative Forum submission deadline in February. Students are encouraged to submit their proposal as long as their work is anticipated to be completed prior to March 25th.