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CTLA01: Library Research Guide

Use this website to find sources for your CTLA01 research assignment.

Library Workshop - February 25th, 2025: Start Your Research

Start research for your assignment:   Write your responses to the following questions on a piece of paper.   Give the paper to your instructor at the end of class.   (Don't forget to put your name on the paper.)  

  1. How can you check if an article is scholarly? List two methods.
  2. What is a synonym for 'peer-reviewed'?
  3. What is your research topic?
  4. Find one course reading related to your topic and provide the citation in APA style.
  5. Find one journal article related to your topic and provide the citation in APA style.
  6. How can you evaluate a website's credibility? List two methods.
  7. Do you have any questions do you have about research for this assignment or general library research/services/resources? If yes, please list your questions.

How do I identify a Scholarly (Academic) Articles?

What is Peer Review?

A peer-reviewed journal article is a scholarly article that has been evaluated and critiqued by experts in the same field before it is published. These experts assess the article's quality, accuracy, methodology, and contribution to the field, ensuring that it meets academic standards. The peer-review process helps ensure that the research is reliable and credible.

Note:    'Peer reviewed' and 'refereed' are synonyms.

Find Journal Articles

More Databases

Check if your Article is Peer-Reviewed

How do you know if an article is from a peer-reviewed journal? Some databases allow you to limit your search to peer-reviewed journals. For other databases, you need to look up the title of the journal in Ulrich's Directory. 

1. Go to Ulrich's.

2. Type the JOURNAL TITLE (not the article title) into the search box, and click the green search button. Look for the journal title in your search results.

3. In the search results, look for a referee jersey icon to indicate that a journal is refereed. Refereed means the same as peer reviewed.

look for referee jersey in search results


4. The Journal of Infectious Diseases is peer reviewed.  

REMEMBER:   It's the journal that's peer reviewed/refereed, so you are looking for the journal title in your search results, NOT the article title.

Find Books

Evaluate Websites

No matter the types of resources, whether it be books, articles, or websites, that you use for your assignments, they should be reliable, quality sources of information.

You can evaluate the quality of a resource using RADAR. RADAR is a framework that stands for five criteria: Rationale, Authority, Date, Accuracy, and Relevance. Each criterion has associated questions to answer in order to critically evaluate your resource. If you find that your responses are often uncertain or “no,” you may want to consider using another resource.

Evaluate GenAI Output

Using an AI tool to help with your assignment?   While these tools are very popular, they are not perfect.   Therefore,  it's important to carefully evaluate all AI output before using it in your assignments.


APA Style Guides