Critical Approaches to Writing about Film by John E. MoscowitzISBN: 0130837075
Publication Date: 1999-09-02
This book explains how to prepare for and write various types of critical pieces on film. It distinguishes the four main critical formats of writing about film--the review, the critique, the comparative analysis and the documented research paper--from each other (why, when, and how to use each and the different aspects within each). The book provides theory, discussion, component examples and full samples of all formats discussed. The book also provides exercises and strategies to prepare the critic to watch the film and write a first draft. B> preparation for and the process of film criticism, style and structure in film criticism, the review, the analytical critique, the comparative analysis, the documented research paper, primary and secondary sources of works guidelines and an index of names and titles. For anyone interested in critiquing films for personal interest or professional writing.