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BIOC29 Introductory Mycology

This guide will help students in the course BIOC29 to find relevant resources including books, articles, and websites to support their lab report assignment.

Learning Outcomes

Searching as Strategic Exploration 

  • You will use different types of searching language such as keywords appropriately to help you find background information and scholarly articles on your fungi.

Information Creation as a Process 

  • You will articulate the traditional and emerging processes of information creation and dissemination of lab reports to help you with research and writing in this format.

Information Has Value 

  • You will give credit to the original ideas of others through proper attribution and citation with a quick overview of adding Mycologia citation style to Zotero.

Key Resources

Get Help

Your Liaison Librarian is always ready to help. Their contact information is available in the sidebar to the left side of the screen. You can submit requests for one-on-one research consultations by email with 24 hours notice.

For times when your librarian is unavailable, here are some other options for help with your research assignments:

Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities

Have questions? Need additional information?

Check out the FAQs posted on our website, contact your liaison librarian, or join us at our drop-in info sessions in-person outside the UTSC Library:

  • January 9, 2025 10:00AM - 11:00AM
  • January 14, 2025 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Note that works do not need to be completed by the Undergraduate Research and Creative Forum submission deadline in February. Students are encouraged to submit their proposal as long as their work is anticipated to be completed prior to March 25th.


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