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Research Guides

UN & Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs)

A guide to major print and electronic IGO information prepared by Sherry Smugler, Nich Worby and Sam-chin Li, University of Toronto Libraries.


IGOs are organizations of member states that have signed a treaty or charter. They have a geographic or subject focus.

IGOs produce official documents, publications & statistics.

  • Documents record the operations of the IGO
  • Publications gather & disseminate information related to the IGO's focus
  • Statistical databases provide demographic & socio-economic data about the IGO & its member states

Search IGO pages

Use this Google custom search (from Carleton University):

Since the mid-1990s, many governments and international governmental organizations (IGOs) have made their publications available on the internet. Use the custom Google search above as a place to start.

  • Tip: If you have an exact title, search it in Google as a phrase by putting quotation marks around it (. "Safeguarding asylum: Sustaining Canada's commitments to refugees").