Bibliography of Indigenous Peoples in North America
Scholarly and popular articles, book chapters, and videos on many topics pertaining to North America’s Indigenous peoples, including culture, history and daily life.
Indigenous Studies Portal
Full-text articles, ebooks, theses, and government publications, with a primary focus on Indigenous peoples of Canada and a secondary focus on North American materials and beyond.
Art Full Text
Articles and book chapter in all fields related to the arts including archaeology, architecture, art history, city planning, industrial design, interior design, and landscape design.
Anthropology Plus
Information about journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, and material culture.
MLA International Bibliography
The index is compiled by the Modern Language Association (MLA), an organization dedicated to the study and teaching of language and literature.
Includes book chapters, journal articles, and Web sites related to literature from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America. Publications on literary theory and criticism, dramatic arts (film, radio, television, theatre), and folklore can also be found in the index.
Literature Resource Center
Full-text literary criticism and reviews of the novels (and many others literary and poetic works), in addition to biographical information on authors and overviews of their works.
An excellent, comprehensive online resource for all students of literature and poetry.
Additional online resources can be found on the Indigenous Studies page on the University of Toronto Libraries web site.