Oxford bibliographies is a great spot to start your research. You can find a good background written from an academic perspective on a particular topic you're addressing in your assignment (e.g. political ecology.)
No database has everything! Besides "LibrarySearch", explore more options available under "Databases"
Use articles you've already found to locate more articles on your topic. This strategy is called "citation mining." For example, try looking up the following article in Web of Science or Google Scholar. How many more similar articles can you find?
Senior theses from recent years are searchable from T-Space. Look for examples of academic writing in your field? This can be a great resource to explore.
The library has a wide variety of resources beyond besides journal articles & books. Looking for something particular? Ask us!
NVivo is a program used for qualitative data analysis. It supports researchers in managing, organizing, and analyzing qualitative data to produce new insight, infer relationships, and identify themes.
Got research questions? Librarians are available to assist you by email, chat, appointment or at the front desk in the Library.
Use this library guide to complete the following research exercise. Be prepared to discuss your results
COPB31 Library Exercise: https://forms.gle/PyiAzru378dpukpS7
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