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Research Guides

Theology Resources

This guide is to help you locate resources in the areas of Theology and Christianity.

Books for the Background of the Bible



  • Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament, by John Walton. (An overview that provides a high level introduction to the key topics and concepts in the social and thought world of the Bible)
  • Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity: unlocking New Testament culture by David de Silva. (An overview of the New Testament social and thought world)
  • The Lost Letters of Pergamum: a story from the New Testament by Bruce Longenecker ("While the account is fictional, the author is a highly respected New Testament scholar who weaves reliable historical information into a fascinating story, offering a fresh, engaging, and creative way to learn about the New Testament world.")
  • Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: cultural, social, and historical contexts by John Walton.
  • The World of the New Testament: cultural, social and historical contexts, edited by Joel Green and Lee Martin McDonald

Primary Sources:

  • Exploring Biblical Backgrounds: a reader in historical and literary contexts, edited by Derek Dodson and Katherine Smith.

Study Bibles:

  • NRSV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible: bringing to life the ancient world of scripture
  • ESV Archaeology Study Bible

Commentary Series

TST libraries are purchasing series of commentary ebooks as they become available in electronic format. It may take some time for newly purchased titles to display in the catalogue, so if you don't see it displayed in LibrarySearch, it is recommended to search the ebook platform where they are held. Many commentary series can be found on the Ebook Central platform, or on the EBSCOhost platform. Check the list of ebook platforms, found on the UTL homepage on the left side at the bottom of the box titled Online Books ("More eBooks collections").

Find the following online series, or part thereof, in LibrarySearch. ( Search by the series title, then on the left side of the results page, filter your search to Books and Online)

  • Anchor Yale Bible Commentary
  • Baker Commentary of the Old Testament (On the Ebook Central platform, search for this by series to display the ebook titles)
  • Feminist Companion to the Bible
  • Hermeneia: A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible 
  • Interpretation: a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching
  • International Critical Commentary
  • New Beacon Bible Commentary
  • New International Commentary on the New Testament
  • New International Commentary on the Old Testament
  • Reformation Commentary on Scripture
  • Word Biblical Commentary


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