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Research Guides

Literature in English

Search by title

To search for an exact book or article by title, use LibrarySearch with quotations around your title phrase.

LibrarySearch interface highlighting the title entered with quotations.

If searching with quotations around your title phrase is not successful, try using Advanced Search with the following settings:

  • Select "Title" from the first drop-down menu
  • Choose "is (exact)" from the next drop-down menu
  • Enter your title phrase with or without quotations
  • Select your preferred item format (if you have one)

Advanced search interface with first drop-down menu set to title, second drop-down menu set to the phrase "is exact", the title entered without quotations, and item format set to All items

Find articles

Search for articles in LibrarySearch or in a subject database focused on the study of literature

For help finding articles in LibrarySearch, visit our LibrarySearch Tips guide. 

Quick search for article PDF

If your article citation has a DOI, paste it into this search box:

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