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Repetitive Strain Injuries in Dentistry

Journal Articles

DeLopez, T.E., Pompile, D.J., DeLopez, R.A. (2005, February). Open up and relieve back pain. Dentistry Today. 

De Sio, S., Traversini, V., Rinaldo, F., Colasanti, V., Buomprisco, G., Perri, R., Mormone, F., La Torre, G., & Guerra, F. (2018). Ergonomic risk and preventive measures of musculoskeletal disorders in the dentistry environment: an umbrella review. PeerJ, 6, e4154.

Ligh, R. (2002). Cumulative Trauma Injury – Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. Journal of the California Dental Association, 30(90), 671-680 (September 2002 issue - Scroll down to find this issue).

Roll, S. C., Tung, K. D., Chang, H., Sehremelis, T. A., Fukumura, Y. E., Randolph, S., & Forrest, J. L. (2019). Prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders in oral health care professionals: A systematic review. Journal of the American Dental Association, 150(6), 489–502.